Results for 'Hugo Ribeiro Mota'

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  1. Philosophical Research in Brazil: A Structural Topic Modeling Approach with a Focus on Temporal and Gender Trends.Marcos Fanton, Hugo Mota, Carolina de Melo Bomfim Araújo, Mitieli Seixas da Silva & Raquel Canuto - forthcoming - Metaphilosophy.
    [This is a pre-print; please cite the published version] This paper employs structural topic modeling (STM) to describe the academic philosophy landscape in Brazil. Based on a public national database, a corpus consisting of 12,515 abstracts of monographs defended in philosophy graduate programs between 1991 and 2021 was compiled. The final STM model identified 74 meaningful research topics, clustered into 7 thematic categories. This study discusses the prevalence of the most significant topics and categories, their trends across three decades, and (...)
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  2. Cognição e linguagem: seria a linguagem um desafio para abordagens enativistas?Hugo Mota & Iana Valença - 2019 - A Mente Humana Para Além Do Cérebro – Perspectivas a Partir Dos 4Es da Cognição.
    Investigamos o problema da continuidade entre (1) cognições básicas e (2) complexas, especificamente em relação à linguagem. Nossa hipótese é a de que visões contemporâneas da linguagem não inviabilizam necessariamente a abordagem bottom-up ― abordagens tipicamente enativistas. Primeiro apresentamos a posição de Daniel Hutto e Erik Myin (2013, 2017), representantes do Radically Enactive Cognition (REC), a qual assume o desafio da continuidade e identifica na linguagem o critério para uma distinção de tipo entre (1) e (2). Em seguida, estabelecemos a (...)
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  3. Considerações legais e forenses do aborto infeccioso bovino na “Saúde Única”: Revisão (18th edition).Jackson Barros Do Amaral, Vinícius José Moreira Nogueira & Wendell da Luz Silva (eds.) - 2024 - Londrina: Pubvet.
    In Brazil, the social demand for veterinary expertise is growing. However, there is still a shortage of professionals trained in this area to apply specific knowledge to each case. Studies and research into forensic veterinary medicine are necessary for veterinary experts to assist in investigations and legal proceedings. Veterinary medicine has subjects on its curriculum that cover the knowledge needed to apply in the fields of animal health, public health and the environment. The interaction between human and veterinary medicine, as (...)
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  4. Wittgenstein’s Ignorance of Argumentation Theory and Toulmin’s Rehabilitation of Wittgenstein.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (2):1-5.
    The author- following his own research on the subject- argues that Wittgenstein ignores argumentation theory and in general, the problems of rhetoric and argumentation. From this point of view, he frames Stephen Toulmin’s reading of Wittgenstein, arguing that the British philosopher- who was a student of the Austrian- advocates precisely the same thesis. He explains that this happens in a very peculiar (rhetorical) context on Toulmin’s part; a context in which, in essence, Wittgenstein’s philosophy is being rehabilitated.
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  5. In the Kingdom of Whys Philosophy and Anthropology.Victor Mota - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Lisbon
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  6. Change Changing (Mudar a Mudança).Mota Victor - manuscript
    changin the object of change, for a new man, a nem world, a new society.
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  7. Nebulous.Victor Mota - manuscript
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    Ratio Satis I.Victor Ausina Mota - forthcoming
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  9. 100 Principles of Social Sciences.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  10. Devir.Victor Mota - forthcoming - Lisbon: Bubok.
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  11. A Conspirational World: when reality is undemocratic.Victor Mota - manuscript
    you can conspire. So do I. Reality, social or natural, supernatural, can conspire against you or in favour, it depends on the quality of your seeds...
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  12. What come in goes out: a reflection on sexuality within the mind-body dilema.Victor Mota - manuscript
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    Forever on that Train.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  14. Locking Force.Mota Victor - manuscript
    Lockin as a way of private honesty and preparation to a jump in social theory and literature.
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  15. Sentimental Map.Victor Adelino Ausina Mota - manuscript
    What is Happiness? Where my mind lies? Who am I? What am I?
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  16. Connecting the Americas Through Argumentation.Daniel Mejia, H. R. Mota & Michael D. Baumtrog - 2022 - Argumentation and Advocacy 58 (3-4):196-213.
    This article synthesizes the results of several interviews with argumentation scholars from across the American continents to address three questions regarding the connections in argumentation studies between North and South/Central America: “What motivated the study of argumentation in the Americas?” “What commonalities, if any, exist in argumentation studies across the Americas?” and “What should the future of argumentation studies in the Americas look like?” Using these interviews in combination with existing textual sources, the article also provides motivated suggestions for directions (...)
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  17. Caput.Mota Victor - manuscript
    some literary day about philosophical topics and some anthropological items.
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  18. Imagine World.Victor Mota - manuscript
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    Dealbar of Hope.Mota Victor - manuscript
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  20. A luz e a hipóstase na tradição ortodoxa grega.Tatiana Oliveira Ribeiro & Henrique F. Cairus - 2024 - Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira 84 (327):85–105.
    This article aims to make public part of the research on the concept of ‘light’ in the theological and, above all, liturgical tradition of the Greek Orthodox Church, based on its representation of the concept of ‘hypostasis’. Taking as a point of departure the interpretation of the expression ‘light of light’ [φῶς ἐκ φωτός (phôs ek phōtos)] of the text of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Symbol, the article presents a proposal for the interpretation of the concept of ‘representation’ for this specific case, (...)
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    Poser.Victor A. Mota - 2021 - Lisbon, Portugal, Europe: Bobok.
    An essay depicted from an ancient statue and sometimes from the atual flesh of the subject.
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    An Obvious Story.Victor Ausina Mota - 2020 - Lisbon, Portugal, Europe: Bubok.
    Like "The Straight Story" and "Lost Highway" from David Lynch, we don't now how to come over the stressed days of our civilization.
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  23. Criticism and Conviction: absorb or replicate?Victor Mota - manuscript
    Absorb or replicate em terms of social relacions and even intercourse? Reflect, with reflection, it may be silly, but it works, on several levels of human experience.
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  24. An Algebraic View of Super-Belnap Logics.Hugo Albuquerque, Adam Přenosil & Umberto Rivieccio - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (6):1051-1086.
    The Belnap–Dunn logic is a well-known and well-studied four-valued logic, but until recently little has been known about its extensions, i.e. stronger logics in the same language, called super-Belnap logics here. We give an overview of several results on these logics which have been proved in recent works by Přenosil and Rivieccio. We present Hilbert-style axiomatizations, describe reduced matrix models, and give a description of the lattice of super-Belnap logics and its connections with graph theory. We adopt the point of (...)
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  25. Baixar o Céu (Autonomy as Desonesty).Mota Victor - manuscript
    Autonomy as a desonesty, i.e., exogamic behaviour does not betray family values.
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  26. Going to the South (Rumo ao Sul).Mota Victor - manuscript
    goin to the south, of the mind, of the southern of Europe, not Algarve, but to a place in my mind.
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  27. Beyond_Thought.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  28. Glade.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  29. Parusia.Victor Mota - 2006 - Oporto: Euedito.
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  30. White Subject.Victor Mota - manuscript
    some multicultural reasons of existencialism.
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    Back to Pool (De Volta ao Bilhar Grande).Victor Ausina Mota - 2021 - Lisbon, Portugal, Europe: Bubok.
    Back to the days on childhood, to a regular café on a small village where time goes by.
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    The Doubt.Victor Ausina Mota - manuscript
    an extended letter to a friend who is not there.
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  33. Symbols are not uniquely human.Sidarta Ribeiro, Angelo Loula, Ivan Araújo, Ricardo Gudwin & Joao Queiroz - 2006 - Biosystems 90 (1):263-272.
    Modern semiotics is a branch of logics that formally defines symbol-based communication. In recent years, the semiotic classification of signs has been invoked to support the notion that symbols are uniquely human. Here we show that alarm-calls such as those used by African vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops), logically satisfy the semiotic definition of symbol. We also show that the acquisition of vocal symbols in vervet monkeys can be successfully simulated by a computer program based on minimal semiotic and neurobiological constraints. (...)
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  34. The Social Function of the Philosopher.Mota Victor - manuscript
    An anthropologist talks to a Philosopher, so that I can not be forgetted from the whole of the Society, includind finantial interests.
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  35. The Chronic Divan.Mota Victor - manuscript
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  36. The Emergence of Human Consciousness: From Fetal to Neonatal Life.Hugo Lagercrantz & Jean-Pierre Changeux - 2009 - Pediatric Research 65 (3):255-60.
    A simple definition of consciousness is sensory awareness of the body, the self, and the world. The fetus may be aware of the body, for example by perceiving pain. It reacts to touch, smell, and sound, and shows facial expressions responding to exter- nal stimuli. However, these reactions are probably preprogrammed and have a subcortical nonconscious origin. Furthermore, the fetus is almost continuously asleep and unconscious partially due to endog- enous sedation. Conversely, the newborn infant can be awake, exhibit sensory (...)
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  37. The Theistic Argument from Beauty: A Philonian Critique.Ribeiro Brian - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (3):149--158.
    In this paper I consider an understudied form of the design argument which focuses on the beauty of the natural world and which argues, on that basis, that the world requires a divine Artist in order to explain its beauty. Against this view, one might raise a question concerning the beauty of, and in, this divine Artist. What explains the divine beauty? This kind of explanatory regress objection is exactly like that used by Philo in Hume’s Dialogues to undercut standard (...)
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    Paul Of Tarsus.Victor Ausina Mota - manuscript
    An opus to the one who founded christianity.
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    Ratio Satis II.Victor Ausina Mota - forthcoming - Madrid: Bubok Pusblishing.
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    Contra a primazia do eidos.Luís Felipe Bellintani Ribeiro - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (2):242-259.
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  41. Normas sociales.Hugo Viciana - forthcoming - Enciclopedia Online de la Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica.
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  42. Beyond th Christological Body.Victor Ausina Mota - manuscript
    Christianity as a Social Theory in terms of Body as a Political Issue.
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  43. Ship of Fools.Victor Adelino Ausina Mota - manuscript
    Portuguese Discoveries and Erasure's theme "Ship of Fouls", navigating in an age of loneliness and excelera<ting public cerimonies of hapyness, seeking for social recognition and professional realizations for question os status or just simply competition , on the realm of danger and street violence, between normality and pathology, what is norm?, could be mental ilness just a process of individual salvation to ta better way of being?
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  44. Lisbon into the Soul.Victor Adelino Ausina Mota - 2023 - Público.
    Published on Publico (daily newspaper) in May 2023, from the series The Criteria Estertor, 50 texts already composed.
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  45. The Criteria Estertor.Victor Adelino Ausina Mota - manuscript - Translated by DeepL DeepL.
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  46. Precisamos de evidências para acreditar racionalmente em Deus? Uma comparação entre Alvin Plantinga e Norman Geisler.Bruno Ribeiro Nascimento - 2019 - Summae Sapientiae 2 (1):294-321. Translated by Bruno Ribeiro Nascimento.
    O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar criticamente duas teses opostas sobre a epistemologia da crença religiosa: a primeira, defendida por Norman Geisler, afirma que a crença em Deus só pode ser racionalmente justificada ou garantida se houver argumentos ou evidências em favor da existência de Deus. A segunda tese, elaborada por Alvin Plantinga, sugere que a crença em Deus pode ser garantida, mesmo que o teísta não conheça qualquer evidência para a existência de Deus, mesmo que ele não acredite que (...)
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  47. Skeptical Fideism in Cicero’s De Natura Deorum.Brian Ribeiro - 2019 - Logos and Episteme 10 (1):95-106.
    The work of Richard H. Popkin both introduced the concept of skeptical fideism and served to impressively document its importance in the philosophies of a diverse range of thinkers, including Montaigne, Pascal, Huet, and Bayle. Popkin’s landmark History of Scepticism, however, begins its coverage with the Renaissance. In this paper I explore the roots of skeptical fideism in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, with special attention to Cicero’s De Natura Deorum, the oldest surviving text to clearly develop a skeptical fideist (...)
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  48. Sextus, Montaigne, Hume: Pyrrhonizers.Brian C. Ribeiro - 2021 - Boston: BRILL.
    Brian C. Ribeiro’s _Sextus, Montaigne, Hume: Pyrrhonizers_ invites us to view the Pyrrhonist tradition as involving all those who share a commitment to the activity of Pyrrhonizing and develops fresh, provocative readings of Sextus, Montaigne, and Hume as radical Pyrrhonizing skeptics.
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  49. Between Body and Reiterative Morality.Victor Adelino Ausina Mota - manuscript
    Body and Soul, the infinite dualism of existenz.
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  50. Protestic Becoming : how knowledge silences.Victor Adelino Ausina Mota - manuscript
    Between medieval sapienza and the duty of silence...because it can be harmfull for other, takes care to transmit and inform in a cultural way.
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